Last night in our Zoom cell group, we discussed Matt 25:1-13 – about the 10 virgins. 

So, we all know the narrative of this parable where the kingdom of God is likened to the 10 virgins, of which 5 were wise and 5 foolish. The latter is being described by Strong’s Dictionary as being dull, stupid, a blockhead and also a fool.

The difference between the wise and the foolish is described in the readiness and preparedness for the coming of the bridegroom.  All 10 virgins are a description of the Church that should be ready and waiting upon the return of the Lord Jesus, but only 5 were wise to have enough oil in their lamps but also had some spare oil in another container. 

Usually, the oil is being referenced to be the Holy Spirit – which is true. But other aspects will provide the “oil” to our lamps to make them shine bright and keep on burning through the night. That means, our study of the Word of God provides important wisdom and insight into His true salvation plan, it is a lamp for our footpath (Ps 119:105), it provides daily strength and most of all it gives us the discernment between right and wrong (Hebr 5:14).  Secondly, our prayers and praise and worship lifts us into a joyful encounter with God and we are blessed beyond measure with His peace, love, and inner strength.

Isa 40:31  but those who keep waiting for the LORD will renew their strength. Then they’ll soar on wings like eagles; they’ll run and not grow weary; they’ll walk and not grow tired.” 

While we are waiting like the 10 virgins, we should be busy praising and worshipping our Lord Jesus, as He will renew our strength daily to continue – until He returns! Never grow weary! Never run out of the desire to worship Him. 

Another aspect that will provide or sustain enough oil to spare in our lamps, is our personal testimonies of God’s provision, protection, and awesome grace.  As well as the testimonies of those that we have reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing so uplifting than the testimony of a transformed (born-again) person that you have led to Christ.  Over and above the blessing we receive from God for a lost soul being saved, the testimony itself glorifies God and gives you immense new strength to continue.  It proves the scripture that Jesus still saves and heals people.  Let us continue UNTIL our King returns. 

The 5 foolish virgins were in a comfort zone. They did not care to replenish their oil or to store up for difficult times, or long waiting periods. When we are waiting for the Lord’s return, we should do what waiters do. WE SERVE!  Servanthood provides oil in our lamps and keeps us sustained with the love of God.  Mat 24:46  How blessed is that servant whom his master finds doing this when he comes! 

The foolish virgins tried to borrow oil from the wise virgins – but you cannot borrow faith, prayers, worship, or servanthood to sustain yourself. You must obtain it yourself, practise your faith and build a personal relationship with Jesus.  Going to church every Sunday, or being a member of a prestige church environment does not provide any oil for your lamp. Following some well-known prophet will not seal the deal. Sharing good news scriptures on Facebook or typing “amen” on posts, is not even close enough to sustain the oil in your lamp.  Do not be deceived.  It is doing the will of God that does. Get active and serve!

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