“The Trojan horse is IN the Church“.
This is a brand new Page and still under construction. This page will reveal the ugly truths in the modern day Church and the purpose of it all is not to attack the Body of Christ, but much rather to bring a warning – to shout out loud to the all children of God and especially to the leaders to wake up.
- Get rid of all the gimmicks and humanism in the church;
- Allow the Spirit of God in your services again;
- We are in the end of days where false teachings and prophecies are given out on a daily basis to deceive and distort the Word of God and also the eliminate the true power of the Spirit of God
- This page intends to deal with the HOT topics of false gimmicks
Post no.1:
I have recently completed two books of which the first one deals with the false prophecies spoken in the Church and being circulated on Facebook, etc. These prophecies are not from God and create only false hope and constitute to nothing more than a “spiritual horoscope”. Do not be deceived by good words and the good news syndrome. Even if it sounds right, it does not mean to be right and from God. It also deals with the gimmicks in Church due to the absence of the Holy Spirit.
The enemy is launching the attack on the Church from the inside and is using its own arsenal of weapons of the Church – such as the prophetic gifts – against the Church.
To find out more about this subject, please feel free to download the book below:
DownloadProf Eric J. Heath